As I was getting my masters degree at Bradley, I was the TA for the EE junior lab. I made the lab run smoothly, taught the students how to troubleshoot their circuits, supplemented the students’ education with practical experiences and knowledge, and helped the students learn the lab content. I became a mentor to some of the students, and both the students and faculty expressed their gratitude for my assistance.
I accepted an assitantship from the EE department to work as the junior lab assistant, helping undergraduates to learn the hardware and software configurations that they designed in lab to supplement their classwork. The variance in circuits and software made troubleshooting their issues a fun challenge, and I took every opportunity to teach the students how to troubleshoot their designs rather than simply diagnosing the issues. I feel that many students learned and refined their problem solving skills partially due to my contributions. While I learned a great deal from the faculty who taught the labs, I feel that I made many valuable contributions to their program and was able to earn the respect of both faculty and students as I utilized my leadership and mentorship skills, troubleshooting skills, and knowledge of hardware and software.