Chouest Aiviq

My team was hired to design and install a new control system into a brand new, high tech, very large and expensive ice breaker being built by Edison Chouest Offshore. The name of the ship is Aiviq (eye-vick) and can currently be found in operation north of Alaska.

Dual Digital HOA for Lighting Controller

This is a dual HOA switch for motion sensing outdoor lights. I used common (inexpensive) motion sensing lights with some modifications and designed a PCB to fit in a dual gangbox, so the digital HOA, complete with nice LED indicators, can be mounted easily on the house with a customized dual gangbox faceplate. Each light can be controlled by a combination of the two motion sensors, and each light has its own ON time that can be set from the switches on the dual HOA interface.


The VCRBot is a way to use a VCR, a video camera, and an inexpensive exterior light with motion detector to record the camera’s viewpoint onto a VHS tape only when something moves within the motion sensor’s field of “vision”.

In short, the VCRBot behaves similar to a person who would press the record button on the VCR and turn on the exterior light when motion was seen and then press the stop button on the VCR and turn off the exterior light when motion had not been seen for a while.